Dear List Members,
you will be aware that next year is the 80th anniversary of Donoghue v Stevenson. Forwarded is a call for papers for a conference in May 2012 to mark the occasion . The conference is to be held in Paisley, (near Glasgow) the site of the consumption of the putative snail! Please send any proposals for papers to the paisley snail address given below.
Best wishes
Prue Vines
Professor Prue Vines
Faculty of Law+ University of New South Wales+ Sydney+ NSW 2052 Australia
Location: Room 216 Law Building, Enter via Gate 2, High St, Kensington, NSW
Tel: + 61 2 9385 2236
Fax: + 61 2 1175
Visiting Professor, Strathclyde University Law School, Glasgow, Scotland
Date: 8 June 2011 12:35:45 GMT+01:00
Subject: The Paisley Snail - Preview
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